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Data-binding extensions (DBX)

A Data Binding extension library, providing Data Binding-specific functionality. This primarily contains binding adapters, which allow access to the helper functions from your layouts. Currently the attributes provided are:


The future for the DBX library is currently being evaluated. It's unclear how useful it is, and the amount of effort needed to update it to the new WindowInsets types is great.

View binding + improvements to the main library mean that it now simple to use the main library only.

Applying system window insets

The following attributes are useful in being able to apply the system window insets insets, to specific dimensions to views.

  • app:paddingLeftSystemWindowInsets: to apply the left dimension to the view's paddingLeft.
  • app:paddingTopSystemWindowInsets: to apply the top dimension to the view's paddingTop.
  • app:paddingRightSystemWindowInsets: to apply the right dimension to the view's paddingRight.
  • app:paddingBottomSystemWindowInsets: to apply the bottom dimension to the view's paddingBottom.
  • app:layout_marginLeftSystemWindowInsets: to apply the left dimension to the view's layout_marginLeft.
  • app:layout_marginTopSystemWindowInsets: to apply the top dimension to the view's layout_marginTop .
  • app:layout_marginRightSystemWindowInsets: to apply the right dimension to the view's layout_marginRight.
  • app:layout_marginBottomSystemWindowInsets: to apply the bottom dimension to the view's layout_marginBottom.
  • consumeSystemWindowInsets: whether to consume the system window insets. Defaults to false.

Applying system gesture insets

The following attributes are useful in being able to apply the system gesture insets insets, to specific dimensions to views.

  • app:paddingLeftSystemGestureInsets: to apply the left dimension to the view's paddingLeft.
  • app:paddingTopSystemGestureInsets: to apply the top dimension to the view's paddingTop.
  • app:paddingRightSystemGestureInsets: to apply the right dimension to the view's paddingRight.
  • app:paddingBottomSystemGestureInsets: to apply the bottom dimension to the view's paddingBottom.
  • app:layout_marginLeftSystemGestureInsets: to apply the left dimension to the view's layout_marginLeft.
  • app:layout_marginTopSystemGestureInsets: to apply the top dimension to the view's layout_marginTop .
  • app:layout_marginRightSystemGestureInsets: to apply the right dimension to the view's layout_marginRight.
  • app:layout_marginBottomSystemGestureInsets: to apply the bottom dimension to the view's layout_marginBottom.

Using the applying insets attributes

Each of the attributes takes a boolean value of whether the attribute functionality is enabled or not, like so:

    app:paddingLeftSystemWindowInsets="@{true}" />

You can use any non-exclusive combination of insets and application type, such as the following which uses the bottom system window inset for padding, and the left gesture inset for margin:

    app:layout_marginLeftSystemGestureInsets="@{true}" />

Compound padding/margin

You can safely set any padding or margins on the view, and the values will be maintained. For example here we're using a padding of 24dp, and also applying the system window insets left and bottom using padding:

    android:padding="24dp" />

If the bottom system window insets is defined as 48dp on the device, the final applied padding for the view will be:

Dimension Layout padding System window insets Final applied padding
Left 24dp 0dp 24dp
Top 24dp 0dp 24dp (0 + 24)
Right 24dp 0dp 24dp
Bottom 24dp 48dp 72dp (24 + 48)

The same behavior happens when using margin too.

Edge-to-edge attributes

There is currently just one edge-to-edge attribute:

  • app:layout_edgeToEdge: Set this view's system-ui visibility with the flags required to be laid out 'edge-to-edge', or not.

    <!-- Yadda yadda -->



Latest version: GitHub release

repositories {

dependencies {
    implementation "dev.chrisbanes.insetter:insetter-dbx:<latest version>"

Snapshots of the current development version are available, which track the latest commit.

The snapshots are deployed to Sonatype's snapshots repository. The latest release is: Latest SNAPSHOT release

repositories {
    // Need to add the Sonatype snapshots repo
    maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    implementation "dev.chrisbanes.insetter:insetter-dbx:XXX-SNAPSHOT"