Package dev.chrisbanes.snapper
A SnapperLayoutInfo which works with LazyListState. Typically this would be remembered using rememberLazyListSnapperLayoutInfo.
Contains a number of values which can be used for the snapOffsetForItem
parameter on rememberLazyListSnapperLayoutInfo and LazyListSnapperLayoutInfo.
A snapping FlingBehavior for LazyListState. Typically this would be created via rememberSnapperFlingBehavior.
Default values used for SnapperFlingBehavior&rememberSnapperFlingBehavior.
Contains the necessary information about the scrolling layout for SnapperFlingBehavior to determine how to fling.
Contains information about a single item in a scrolling layout.
Create and remember a SnapperLayoutInfo which works with LazyListState.
Create and remember a snapping FlingBehavior to be used with the given layoutInfo.
Create and remember a snapping FlingBehavior to be used with LazyListState.