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Haze is implemented through two Compose Modifiers: Modifier.haze and Modifier.hazeChild.

The most basic usage would be something like:

val hazeState = remember { HazeState() }

Box {
    modifier = Modifier
      // Pass it the HazeState we stored above
      .haze(state = hazeState)
  ) {
    // todo

    // Need to make app bar transparent to see the content behind
    colors = TopAppBarDefaults.largeTopAppBarColors(Color.Transparent),
    modifier = Modifier
      // We use hazeChild on anything where we want the background
      // blurred.
      .hazeChild(state = hazeState)


Haze has support for customizing the resulting effect, which is performed via the HazeStyle class. Styles can be provided to both Modifier.haze and Modifier.hazeChild.

Blur RadiusΒΆ

The blur radius controls how strong the blur effect is. This defaults to 20.dp but can be customized as needed. Larger values might be needed to keep foreground control (such as text) legible and accessible.


A tint effect is applied, primarily to maintain contrast and legibility. By default we use the provided background color at 70% opacity. You may wish to use a different color or opacity.


Some visual noise is applied, to provide some tactility. This is completely optional, and defaults to a value of 0.15f (15% strength). You can disable this by providing 0f.


Haze has some support for blurring of a provided Shape, passed into Modifier.hazeChild.

The platforms have varying support:

  • Android: full support, through clipPath
  • iOS and Desktop: limited support. Only RoundedCornerShapes currently works.
Box {
  // rest of sample from above

    modifier = Modifier
        shape = RoundedCornerShape(16.dp),


Make the content behind app bars is a common use case, so how can we use Haze with Scaffold? It's pretty much the same as above:

Multiple hazeChilds

Note: We are using multiple hazeChilds in this example. You can actually use an abitrary number of hazeChilds.

val hazeState = remember { HazeState() }

  topBar = {
      // Need to make app bar transparent to see the content behind
      colors = TopAppBarDefaults.largeTopAppBarColors(Color.Transparent),
      modifier = Modifier
        .hazeChild(state = hazeState)
    ) {
      /* todo */
  bottomBar = {
      containerColor = Color.Transparent,
      modifier = Modifier
        .hazeChild(state = hazeState)
    ) {
      /* todo */
) {
    modifier = Modifier
        state = hazeState,
        backgroundColor = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.surface,
  ) {
    // todo