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Insetter main library

GitHub release

The main library provides simple APIs for handling WindowInsets.


The Builder is the main entry point for Insetter. It allows you to build up how you want a view to react to WindowInsets:

    // This will add the navigation bars insets as padding to all sides of the view,
    // maintaining the original padding (from the layout XML, style, etc)
    .padding(windowInsetTypesOf(navigationBars = true))

    // This will add the status bars insets as margin to all sides of the view,
    // maintaining the original margins (from the layout XML, etc)`
    .margin(windowInsetTypesOf(statusBars = true))

    // This is a shortcut for view.setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener(
    // This will add the navigation bars insets as padding to all sides of the view,
    // maintaining the original padding (from the layout XML, style, etc)

    // This will add the status bars insets as margin to all sides of the view,
    // maintaining the original margins (from the layout XML, etc)`

    // This is a shortcut for view.setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener(

Kotlin DSL

If you're using Kotlin, we also provided a DSL via the View.applyInsetter() extension function. To achieve the same result as above:

view.applyInsetter {
    // Apply the navigation bar insets...
    type(navigationBars = true) {
        // Add to padding on all sides

    // Apply the status bar insets...
    type(statusBars = true) {
        // Add to margin on all sides

API docs

Animated Insets support

Animated insets demo

The library now has support for WindowInsetsAnimations, allowing your content is react to inset animations, such as the on screen-keyboard (IME) being animated on/off screen.

This functionality works wherever WindowInsetsAnimationCompat works, which at the time or writing is on devices running API 21+.

binding.messageHolder.applyInsetter {
    // Apply the navigation bar and ime insets...
    type(navigationBars = true, ime = true) {
        // padding, enabling the animation support
        padding(animated = true)

    // This is optional, but it's usually necessary to sync the resulting
    // translation to other views. You can provide multiple views here.

See the AnimatedInsetterSample for a working example.

IME animations

If you're using the animation insets support for IME/keyboard animations, you also need to ensure that the activity's windowSoftInputMode is set to adjustResize:

      android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize" />


Latest version: GitHub release

repositories {

dependencies {
    implementation "dev.chrisbanes.insetter:insetter:<latest version>"

Snapshots of the current development version are available, which track the latest commit.

The snapshots are deployed to Sonatype's snapshots repository. The latest release is: Latest SNAPSHOT release

repositories {
    // Need to add the Sonatype snapshots repo
    maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    // Check the latest SNAPSHOT version from the image above
    implementation "dev.chrisbanes.insetter:insetter:XXX-SNAPSHOT"